Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Me and My brave girl!

Kaitlyn is now 10 weeks old, we went for a check up last week to Birmingham and things are all ok. She has to have a cardiac catheter on 5/6th Sept which is where they check the pressures and functioning of the heart more closely- after that her second operation will be scheduled - prob dec/jan time . We are so grateful to all at BCH for all they have done and continue to do for Kaitlyn - Mr Barron (heart surgeon) especially.

We would also like to thank all those who gave their support to us when we were in hosptial - even those we have not yet met!there were so many people praying for Kaitlyn it was amazing - it means so much to have this support and we know it will be there for us again ,,, thank you,,,

Kaitlyn without her NG tube!!!

"It's easy to pull this tube out when you know how""

Unfortunately Kaitlyn is determined to pull her tube out at every opportunity which means a trip back to hopsital to have it replaced - she now has to have the scratch mits on full time!!

Having a nap on daddy!

Kaitlyn sleeps through the night and we have to wake her for her feed. Let's hope the good sleep routine continues!

Joshua loves to feed Kaitlyn!

What we didnt envisage was the fact Kaitlyn would experience some problems with feeding. ALthough she would take some by bottle it was not enough and so she has come home with her feeding tube still in place. This has been quite traumatic to cope with but as time has gone on we are more confident with it. We hope it won't have to stay in for too much longer but that depends on Kaitlyn!

Out of hospital and visiting grandad and grandma!

After another few weeks on the ward Kaitlyn finally came home. It felt like we had been in hospital for ever.

The Proud Grandma!

Nothing prepares you for the experience of a children's intensive care unit. After her operation Kaitlyn was paralized for 3 days as her chest was left open to allow the swelling on her heart to reduce. It was after they had closed her up that they spotted the blood clot. That night she became very unwell and we thought we had lost her- she pulled through and kept on fighting. She also had a partially collapsed lung due to all the fluid retention she had built up. The picture above is of Kaitlyn a few days before she came off the ventilator and back to the ward. We could not bring ourselves to take photos of her before then although we know a lot of people do but we didnt want to remember those days when she was so ill.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kaitlyn After her operation.

Kaitlyn had open heart surgery at 3 days old. The operation was supposed to last 6-7 hours but took 9 hours - the waiting was agony! she slowly recoverd but then had to have further open heart surgery a week later to remove a blood clot. She spent 2 weeks on intensive care.

Kaitlyn and her big brother Joshua at BCH before her operation.

Our daughter Kaitlyn Annie was born on 5th june 2006 at 2.48am. We knew antenatally that Kaitlyn was going to be born with a serious heart defect namely hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This basically meant that the left side of her heart would not be big enough to do its job properly. She will need 3 operations and then her heart will never be "normal"

I gave birth naturally with only gas and air. Kaitlyn was like any other new born , crying and pink , you would never know to look at her that there was anything wrong. She was whisked away to SCBU and the same day transferred to Birmingham children's hospital. We were elated and thoughts of the impending operation were put to the back of our minds....

We have created this site so that family, friends and many well wishers can keep up to date with how Kaitlyn is progressing.